Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Deep Autumn Vs Deep Winter

I got some very interesting feedback about my Soft Autumn vs Deep Autumn post and has sparked some interesting conversation by email and on FB - it got me thinking about some other 'neutral' season comparisons. I've always been drawn to Deep Winter and have played around with this season a lot but have never really done a good visual comparison between the two. I decided to put a collage together so that the deep autumn and deep winter makeup looks can really be compared to each other. On the left side of the visual, are my Deep Autumn looks - my eye colour in the center and my baby pic is in the centre, leaning right. On the right hand side, you'll see my Deep Winter makeup looks - again, your feedback is much appreciated!!! I look forward to creating some deep autumn/winter cross over looks soon, so stay tuned for that:


  1. I'm a long time reader but I've never written before. Hi, thanks. I enjoy your blog!

    You look lovely in both.

    I'm a dark winter so I expect I'm biased toward those colors so I might ask: how much of either make up season did you have to use to look "right" in the colors? Was one more immediate vs. the finished face looking well put together ? (i.e.: as soon as you put on the lipstick did your face "pop" with one season)? I find for me, I need only the right lipstick and my face looks "right and eye make up becomes a secondary add on (I don't use foundation or blush).

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Renata, You don't have to post this.. Just some comments from a middle aged man who happens to be a realist painter and who appreciates beauty when he sees it. I stumbled upon your blog when doing a search on color harmony a while ago. I've found your experimentation with your makeup/color to be interesting.. I also just happen to enjoy looking at your beautiful face in your various color combinations/permutations. Not intending to be creepy here and don't intend to come across that way. (I'm happily married I might add and my wife too, is a very beautiful woman who does put in effort to find her best color combination.) I'm glad there are still women "out there" who attend to their appearance and make this world a more beautiful place, just by being in it. Seems this has become more rare these days. Men, especially, it seems have gotten lazy and degenerated to the slovenly and undignified. At any rate, thanks for blogging all of your experimentation. Of course, I have my "favorite" looks, but I'll keep that to myself. All the best, Walt

  3. Thank you so much Anonymous - I really appreciate your comment! It gives me more inspiration to continue blogging and creating looks. I've always felt I was a bit of an old soul and I think this translates into my personal definition of what beauty/style is! Thanks so much again!!!
    P.S. out of the deep palette, which do you prefer the autumn or winter? Thanks so much!

  4. Hi Renata, Walt again.. Since you asked, on the collage of photos on this page, if you take your eye (beautiful color, I might add) as the center of a clock, the photo of you about 11:30, where your face is a warmer color and you have what I would call vermilion lipstick, and the one about two o'clock where your hair is darker, and your lipstick is a more of a madder deep color.(Deep winter?) Guess what this means is that you have the flexibility with your complexion to go either way. You might wear one in an informal setting and the other in a more formal setting, or depending on the expected lighting such as evening indoors or daytime outside. I cannot say one is better than the other. Both are striking, very classy, and very beautiful. Thanks for asking..

  5. FANTASTIC advice - thanks so much Walt - you've got a great eye and way to express how each looks in refrence to light/time of day! Really appreciate your feedback!!!

  6. Renatta, I agree with Walt on that you can pull off many looks. I'm the same and I often wonder whether it is due to genetics and how the color theory categories were established. I have a large percentage of both Irish/English and middle eastern and then German, Scottish, Swedish mixed in. The various color analysis, I think, are fairly limited in some regards since both you and I have a combination of cool AND warm in our inherent, natural coloring blend. I do believe that certain color overall are more attractive than others and I recently found Dark Autumn to be perfect in every regard. With that, and as for the pictures you present and asking opinions, I see you at your best in the right hand side of options in the collage. Hopefully my opinion helps you in your endeavors.

  7. THank you so much for your feedback :) I was actually draped last week as a WARM AUTUMN, which is super exciting :)
