Saturday, January 17, 2015

Defining a LOOK vs SEASONAL Analysis - A-Ha Moment

THis is going to be one of those 'multi-layered' posts - basically, I've recieved a lot of feedback and emails about my recent deep autumn and deep winter experiments. Some people have been asking 'wait a minute, but you were draped as a true autumn? What ever happened to that???' OR questions like "Why are you still experimenting, by now shouldn't you feel comfortable in one season?". My 'A-Ha' moment came from a question posed to me by a reader Amy (THank-You Amy), who asked me to consider this: "how much of either make up season did you have to use to look "right" in the colors? Was one more immediate vs. the finished face looking well put together ?". I sat back and thought about which makeup looks just blended in and which (although harmonious as a makeup look overall) was 'forced' i.e. didn't immediately BLEND into my face. This question reminded me about the colours that always 'immediately' blended in or the colours that I keep coming back to - its always the same - Makeup for ever #17 lipstick and Mocha lipstick by MAC. At the same time, its always the coppery brown blushes and bronze/gold shadows and liners that just blend right in - I'd like to say my skin is Olive, but there is no denying there is a 'golden undertone', which is what one of ladies said who draped me. It was obvious that I've been 'FORCING' certain looks to work because I like the 'looks' not necessarily because the colours themselves work. For example, the classic black liner, deep red lip look - very classic as a look and very Deep Winter - but the question is - do I like the 'look' or the colours'. Knowing deep down that I'm an autumn of some sort, I've been telling myself, but Deep Autumns can wear red and black, 'Problem Solved'!!! Again, trying to fit myself into a mold to make looks I like 'work for me' - but do they REALLY work in the colour analysis world??? Basically, with my makeup artistry skills, I have that inner creativity to make a 'Look' Work - I can basically take ANY palette, study the colours and create a look - and make it look 'Good'! The question is, once again, is it about the look or about my best colours??? If I was asked, what are you BEST seasonal colours, my intuition can't lie anymore - it's True Autumn - the season that I've ALREADY been draped in twice, by two different people - by sci-art? No, not yet, but its clear to me that in both drapping sessions, true autumn was the clear winner. That leaves me wanting to ask - can I come to terms with balancing LOOKS I love with COLOURS that work. Lets face it, black liner and red lips is Black liner and Red lips - it belongs to Deep/True/Cool Winter and Deep Autumn - I can wear Brown liner and Orange red lips in true autumn, but its NOT black liner and red lips!!! It's important for ANYONE in the colour word to be ACCEPTING of both needs/desires - the desire to wear a LOOK and a desire to wear your best colours. If actresses, models and makeup artists can play around with different LOOKS, even if its NOT their season, what's stopping us from doing the same. Yes, I'm a true autumn, but guess what??? Sometimes I want to wear Black liner and Red lips and I'm going to without justifying how devoted I am to my season! I thank Amy very much for making me realize that I need to STOP running from True Autumn as my true season, but recognize that the times when I'm drawn to a certain look or colour, Its my artistic nature that desires that LOOK - but one's season is something very different!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that my comment inspired an epiphany!

    Thank you for your kind words and, as ever, for your fascinating blog
