Monday, May 23, 2016

What's in a name? What's in a palette???

I've been thinking about labels and names that we apply to colour palettes.  I think that has always been part of the frustration that I feel with colour analysis.  When you attempt to create a 'do it yourself' colour analysis - and really look at all the colours that suit you and are naturally found in your skin tone, many times there is type of 'hybrid' going on between many seasons and palettes.  I have to admit that since I've recognized that there is 'a lot' of colours in the light spring palette that work for me, I can't deny that there is also some type of hybrid going on between the soft autumn/summer palettes too.  At this point, this is where I feel people get the MOST frustrated.  I also feel that this is what happens during many colour consultations - people may notice a pattern about you and then are forced (because of the system that they follow) to put you into a palette.  What about women like myself who really do feel they are a hybrid of various systems/colour palettes.  I've been spending a lot of time using the following website (a colour palette generator) to generate some colours that are naturally found in my skin/eyes: - I also used David Zyla's book 'Color Your Style' to create a palette that suits me.  I keep jumping back and forth between trying to put myself into a palette or archetype and each time the SAME thing happens: frustration, self-doubt, irritation.  I feel like the closer I'm getting to my true palette, the further I'm moving away from colour analysis.  That being said, colour analysis has beautiful palettes and systems that I can't seem to stay away from.  This puts me in a somewhat awkward position - it's like saying that I love a system that I don't agree with.  I also have a lot of respect for the people who are colour consultants - it's fascinating. so much so, that I can't seem to part with it :)

Here are a few pics from the website colour palette generator and one photo I took of myself a few months go with makeup that I really like.  Again, this somewhat of a hybrid between light spring, soft autumn and a touch of summer:

Some of the main colours that I now see represent my (and using Zyla's system) is a warm seashell pink as an essence colour, peach-pinks, coral-pinks, soft blues, golden browns/spice, aqua.  In a certain respect, I find it so much more liberating creating my own system of colour analysis to use.  Who knows, perhaps I may even consider starting my own consulting business/system?  I am learning so much about colour through this process!!!

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